Thursday, July 29, 2021

Easy to Install a Frost Proof Yard Hydrant before the Fall

Frost proof yard hydrants are typically installed in locations that require access to water and are too far away to be serviced with a garden hose attached to a standard exterior faucet. A yard hydrant installation is typically comprised of a horizontal pipe buried underground leading to a long vertical pipe that is known as the standpipe. Water automatically drains out of the standpipe every time you shut off the hydrant. The bottom of the standpipe reaches below where the ground freezes in the winter called the frost line.  After each use, the water drains out of the handle and the standpipe below the frost line so that no water is left above the frost line where it can freeze.

Quality Hydrants with Proper Installation Prevents Freezing

Frost free yard hydrants are convenient in many areas such as ranches, corrals, large flower beds, farms and anywhere animal livestock require year-long access to fresh water. A yard hydrant must be installed and working properly to prevent freezing.  Quality yard hydrants can meet irrigation needs for decades with very little maintenance required although providing minimal annual maintenance such as greasing the valve system if it gets dried out or adjusting the tension on the handle can help to maintain a quality working yard hydrant.

The Woodford Y34 IOWA® yard hydrant is one of the most popular frostproof types of yard hydrants on the market providing reliable irrigation in subzero conditions. Woodford offers quality faucets and hydrants such as the Model Y34 which provides variable-flow and features such as a rod guide to eliminate side pull on the rod and long life packing for decades of reliable water service.

You can get quality Woodford hydrants such as the Model Y34 as well as exterior faucets and frost-free hose bibs from, the premier online retailer for quality Woodford and Watco products. Watco is recognized as a leading provider of quality bathtub repair products including replacement tub stoppers and waste drain repair and replacement items. Watco offers long-lasting, durable tub repair products which are easy to install and come with a five-year limited warranty.

Buy is your one source for high quality Watco and Woodford products. We offer exceptional customer service and a comprehensive online video library. Contact us to learn more about Watco and Woodford yard hydrants including the Model Y34 IOWA® frostproof yard hydrant.